Congratulations Ashely! First, how do you feel?

I am at a place in my life where I’m taking more risks and embracing opportunities which will move me toward my years-long goal of having a successful modeling career. I am proud that I’m doing something I love while adding additional income to my household. I’ve always had a passion for the beauty and fashion industry. I enjoy styling my daily outfits to express my creativity. I feel motivated and rewarded by being able to authentically express myself.

Describe yourself in four words?

I would use the words; God-fearing, vibrant, adaptable and determined to describe myself. These traits have allowed me to have a “live in the moment” attitude.

What was it like to work with the iconic Marie Antoinette?

It was inspiring working with Marie. She is creating opportunities for other women such as myself along with showing awareness of social issues, like sexual assault and violence. Marie is a force to be reckoned with; she is professional, organized and influential. I was blown away by how generous and humble she really is in person! I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work with such an amazing woman.

You also joined the fashion show in October for a noble cause. How was that experience?

The noble cause was to show awareness of sexual assault and violence. My experience would be described as a process of growth. This experience gave me the opportunity to showcase my modeling skills. I am a mother of two young daughters and right now I’m not consistent with modeling. I remember spotting a model casting for Sapphire diamond streetwear showcase, hosted by Marie. Before the model casting, I practiced my walking and posing. The day of the casting, my mind went blank while auditioning. I left thinking I didn’t do well enough to book the show. A day later, I saw the post of the selected models and my name was called. I was excited and proud. I told everyone! On the first day of rehearsals, I remember feeling nervous. I am 34 years old, modeling with models that are ten years or more younger than me. The thoughts of negativity popped in my head, so I just prayed about my worries. As the practice went on my confidence increased because I was doing well, better than I expected. Along with the awareness fashion showcase was a modeling competition to sell the most tickets. The opportunity of being on a New York City Times Square billboard and become a featured model in Jenleeion magazine. My confidence and competitiveness kicked in to win! I worked hard promoting the show and selling tickets. Days before the show, the numbers of tickets sold were posted. And I sold a few which meant to me that I needed to work harder to win the billboard and the magazine feature before the deadline on September 18th.  And I did! The night of the show, Marie announced the winners, and I won alongside with another model. Now, we are celebrating our hard work in reaching our goals. So, look out for our billboard and Jenleeion magazine spread! We did it, everyone! This experience gave me a chance to celebrate myself, my passion and my dream.

How do you protect yourself from potential risks as a woman?

I can only answer this question based on my own experience which won’t apply to every woman. First, we should all be kind and look out for each other, though that won’t always be sufficient. As a woman, I protect myself by avoiding dangerous situations as best as I can. I am married so I communicate and share my location with my husband, and some family and friends in my contacts so they can pull up if need be. Most importantly self-defense classes have helped educate me to prepare if someone attempts to attack me. Finally, if all fails, I will protect myself by using any tool I can find (ex. keys, shoes/heels, or scream) to fight my way to safety.

Who are your role models and why?

I have a few role models in my life. My parents, Tawana and Darryl are my biggest role models. They have taught me almost everything to survive in my own life. They are legends of their own to me. My father, Rickey is a down to earth soul with kindness and pure love for his family. Second, my sisters Nisha and Tysha. I like to call my oldest sister, Nisha a serial entrepreneur. I love this woman; she has a few successful businesses and is a mother of two teenagers heading to college soon. Nisha is one of the reasons I am a model. Growing up, I became her dress-up model. She would do my hair and style my outfits for school and for fun. I enjoyed every moment together. During the years of pursuing modeling, she would register us in women empowerment forums, getting us in front of the right people to expand our brands and take time to invest in photoshoots to build my modeling portfolio, all while running her own household and businesses. Next would be my younger sister, Tysha. She is one of my role models because she has strengthened and supported me as we grew up together. She believes in me more than I believe in myself sometimes. We are all mothers and confide in each other. We are happy for each other in whatever we are doing, and we genuinely want each other to win! My husband, Andrew is also a role model, teaching me patience, love and support. He is one of the most generous people in my life, providing for our family and showing incredible skills to navigate through any challenge we may face together. His spirit is powerful yet approachable, being in tune with everyday issues with his family and his business. Finally, I will say Naomi Campbell. She has become one of my modeling role models. Naomi has spoken up for years about a balance of diversity in the beauty and fashion industry. She is known to be the first woman of color on a magazine cover which inspired me to pursue modeling. Naomi has compelling beauty and a powerful presence. She also expresses global culture awareness issues of the younger generation and the less privileged. As a model, I strive to emulate and embody similar positive values as Miss Naomi has done.  

What does empowerment mean to you and how do you empower other women?

Empowerment to me means not living in fear. I try to live in faith, knowing that I’m in charge of my own life and having confidence to make decisions to better my long-term goals. I empower other women by showing up for the women in my life and supporting them, especially during setbacks. Every day will not be a great day, so I try to promote a safe and positive environment to talk and listen to get the best solutions. Everybody needs somebody on this journey called life. Another way I will empower other women is to just live in the moment! Allow yourself to try something new. Take care of yourself by eating well and working out and lastly treat yourself to something nice from time to time!

What advice would you give to young ladies who want to pursue their passion?

One piece of advice I would give is to BE COFIDENT and give yourself grace. You are more capable than you think. Build a support system early with mentors to learn from and to ask for help along the way. I will also add to take risks toward your passion and work hard until you reach your definition of success. It’s exciting to find new opportunities on your path to success. And if you fail at something, don’t give up or be afraid. Just get back up and push through it because on the other side you will have learned from the mistakes, and it will strengthen you for the next best experience.

What does the phrase, “I am human too” mean to you?

The phrase is a friendly reminder to give myself some grace! I am a mother, a working wife and a model. At times I’m spreading myself thin with taking care of business trying to keep up with everything without any breaks. “I am human too” reminds me to make time for myself and take a break. Life is too short, and I have my girls to raise, and they look up to me so it’s essential to create a balanced lifestyle. When I have a break, it allows me to appreciate what I have accomplished and cherish being blessed to have my faith, my loved ones and lovely memories to share.

How can our readers get in touch with you?

You can you reach me by email at:

Instagram and Tiktok @ASH_N_FASHION.

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